Monday, March 02, 2009

Santai: Haaaa? Astaghfirullah!

Semalam lecture subjek Organizational Politics, sampai kepada sub-topic how to minimizing / curbing political behavior in organization, dan salah satu cara adalah - where resources are necessarily scarce, introduce clear rules and regulation to specify the use of the resources.

Lalu, daku berikan analogi scarce resources dengan merujuk kepada buku bertaraf
red spot di perpustakaan.

Let say, we do need a book which may cost RM1000 per book. Since the university doesn't have any allocation for that, it may purchase a book. Thus, the book becomes scarce. As to prevent the political behavior (as people may hide or keep it to himself or etc), the book may be put in the red spot section and there will be clear rules and regulation to specify the use of book.

Well, what usually the rules that specify the use of red spot book?

Red spot from here
*Terpinga-pinga dan bercakap-cakap sesama sendiri

Hello .... anybody there?

*Masih senyap dan berbisik-bisik

Oh, come on ... don't tell me that you never heard of red spot collection?

*Tersengih dan mengangguk

You don't know the red spot collection? Ohhh!!! - Daku kehilangan kata.

Mereka tersengih-sengih.

Daku tak tahu apa yang harus daku katakan dan rasakan lagi.

I think I rest my case now.

Allahummarzuqni sabran waj'al hum min an-najihuun ... InsyaAllah!


Anonymous said...

owh mereka ini semua tidak pernah ke library mencari buku red sad for public admin student yea......they not reading and just stick on their lecture notes, so shame!

AND i'm bit shocked to tell you that a lecturer clarified to me that he/she never went to library for almost a year..that's the biggest shame i heard for huhuhuhu

Cik Peesha said...

Yep, reality bites. Tu baru red-spot .. belum lg suruh cari microfiche lagi ...

pasal lecturer tak gi library over the year biasa la tu .. no need for that especially kalau dah ada access ke mana2 resources ... not a big deal ... Me myself pun oleh count how many times I went there ...

Apapun, hidup kan pilihan?