Sunday, February 01, 2009

Santai: Something light to Share

Daku rasa mungkin dikau sudah banyak kali membaca mengenai perkara-perkara ini. But, even though I've read this over and over, it never fails to make me smile and feeling good about the life I've been through. Such a wonderful experience one can say ... Enjoy!

The majority of students in universities today were born in 1983. They are called "youth". They have never heard of "We are the World, We are the Children..." and the "Uptown Girl" they know is by Westlife not Billy Joel.

For them, there has always been only one Germany and one Vietnam. They do not know about the Soviet Union, Cold War, and Perestroika.

AIDS has existed since they were born. CD's have existed since they were born.

Michael Jackson is already whitened.

John Travolta is always round in shape and they can't imagine how this fat guy could be a god of dance.

They believe that Charlie's Angels and Mission Impossible are just new films out last year.

They can never imagine life before computers (think Atari).

They've never heard of Pac-Man or Space Invaders.

They can't believe a black and white television ever existed and don't even know how to switch on a TV without a remote control.

And they will never understand how we could leave the house without a mobile phone.

Let's check if we're getting old ...

  • You understand what was written above and you smile

  • You need to sleep more, usually until the afternoon, and especially after a night out

  • Your friends are getting married / having babies

  • You are always surprised to see small children playing comfortably with computers

  • When you see teenagers with mobile phones, you shake your head

  • You've developed more and more feelings about your work. It's now your life

  • You spend less and less time talking on phone with your friends daily

  • You meet your friends from time to time, talking about the good old days, repeating again and again all funny stories you have experienced together

Yes my friend, you're getting old! Ohhh ... ohhh ...


en_me said...

me miss good ol days.. uhuhu

Cik Peesha said...

Yeh, me too .. those were good ol days ... enjoy everty moment of it ...